Chicagon ja New York:n tutkimusryhmien tutkimustuloksista on myös artikkeli Radiology Today julkaisussa. Tutkimustuloksethan olivat rohkaisevia ja samansuuntaisia eli tarkimalla metodilla tehty tutkimus vahvistaa Zambonin havaintoja CCSVI:n yleisyydestä MS-diagnosoiduilla sekä pallolaajennuksen vaikutuksista oireisiin. New York:n tutkimusryhmä mittasi hyviä hoitoefektejä 75 %:lla ja Chicagon 55 %:lla operoiduista. Chicagon ryhmää edustava Hector Ferral raportoi jo aiemmin että he
havaitsivat CCSVI ahtaumia 95 %:lla tutkituista (n = 94).
Hector Ferral, MD - Chicago University
Ferral is convinced that efforts should be undertaken to better
understand CCSVI and its potential implications in MS patients.
“If you go down the list of all MS symptoms, I’ve seen improvement
in all symptoms,” he said, “though not in every patient.”
Kenneth Mandato MD. New York Albany
Mandato: “We can attest to significant physical improvements
reported in greater than 75% of those with relapsing-remitting
and primary-progressive forms of multiple sclerosis,” Mandato
said. “Additionally, mental health scores improved in greater
than 70% of individuals studied.
People with secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis showed
statistically significant improvements in both physical and
mental health scores at a rate of 59% and 50%, respectively.”
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